Optimizing Salesforce: 12 Admin Best Practices for Success


Salesforce, a powerful cloud-based platform, has become the backbone of many organizations’ customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. As a Salesforce administrator, your role is crucial in ensuring the platform is effectively utilized, data is secure, and processes are streamlined. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the essential Salesforce admin best practices to help you maximize the potential of this robust CRM platform.

1. Understanding Your Organization’s Needs

Conducting a thorough needs analysis :

Before implementing any changes or customizations in Salesforce, conduct interviews with various departments to understand their specific requirements. For instance, the Sales team might need better lead tracking, while the Customer Support team may require enhanced case management.

Collaborating with stakeholders to define requirements:

Engage with department heads, managers, and end-users to gather input on what features and functionalities would enhance their workflows. This collaboration ensures that Salesforce configurations align with the business’s overall strategy.

Aligning Salesforce configurations with business objectives:

If the organization’s goal is to improve customer satisfaction, ensure that Salesforce is configured to streamline support processes, and customer data is easily accessible. Aligning the platform with business objectives ensures that Salesforce becomes an enabler rather than a hindrance.

2. User Management

Setting up and managing user profiles:

Create distinct user profiles for different roles within the organization. For example, a Sales Manager may have access to sales reports and dashboards, while a Customer Support Representative may only have access to case-related information.

Assigning permissions and roles:

Assign appropriate permissions based on job responsibilities. A Marketing user may have read-only access to leads, while a Sales user has full edit capabilities. Roles can be used to establish hierarchies, determining who can view and edit records owned by others.

Utilizing permission sets for granular control.

Create permission sets to grant additional permissions to specific users without changing their profiles. For instance, a user might have a standard Sales profile but also have a permission set to allow access to a custom app or object.

3. Data Quality and Maintenance

Implementing data governance policies:

Define data quality standards, such as required fields and data formats. Implement validation rules to ensure that data entered meets these standards. Regularly audit data to identify and rectify inconsistencies.

Regularly auditing and cleaning data:

Use Salesforce reports to identify outdated or incomplete records. Schedule regular data clean-up activities to merge duplicate records, update information, and maintain data accuracy. Data cleansing ensures reliable reporting and analysis.

Using duplicate management tools effectively:

Enable and configure Salesforce’s duplicate management tools to prevent the creation of duplicate records. For instance, set up matching rules and duplicate rules to identify and block the creation of duplicate accounts, contacts, or leads.

4. Customization Best Practices

Avoiding over-customization pitfalls:

Before creating custom objects or fields, evaluate existing Salesforce features. If standard objects and fields can fulfill the requirements, it’s preferable to avoid unnecessary customization. Over-customization can complicate maintenance and upgrades.

Documenting customizations for future reference:

Maintain a detailed documentation repository outlining all customizations, including objects, fields, workflows, and automations. This documentation is invaluable for onboarding new administrators, troubleshooting, and understanding the system’s evolution.

Leveraging out-of-the-box features before resorting to custom development:

Explore Salesforce’s built-in features like Process Builder, Flow, and validation rules before opting for custom development using Apex. Out-of-the-box features often provide powerful solutions without the need for complex coding.

5. Security and Access Controls

Configuring robust security settings:

Utilize Salesforce’s role hierarchy and sharing rules to control access to records. Set up field-level security to restrict access to sensitive information, ensuring that users can only view and edit data relevant to their roles.

Implementing IP restrictions and login hours:

Enhance security by configuring IP restrictions to allow access only from specified locations. Set login hours to limit access to Salesforce during designated time frames, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Monitoring login history and security alerts:

Regularly review login history reports to identify any suspicious activity. Enable and monitor security alerts to receive notifications of potential security risks, such as multiple failed login attempts or changes to critical settings.

6. Workflow and Process Automation

Streamlining business processes with flows.

Use flows to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending email notifications when a lead reaches a certain stage or updating a record’s status based on predefined criteria. Flow can significantly improve efficiency in day-to-day operations.

Harnessing the power of Process Builder:

Build more complex automation processes using Process Builder. For instance, create a process that automatically assigns leads to the appropriate sales representative based on criteria such as geography or product interest.

Scheduling and optimizing automation processes:

Be mindful of the timing and frequency of automated processes to avoid performance issues. Schedule processes during non-peak hours and optimize them to ensure they execute efficiently without impacting system performance.

7. Reporting and Dashboards

Designing meaningful reports for different user roles:

Create role-specific reports that cater to the information needs of different user groups. For example, a Sales Manager might need reports on sales performance, while a Marketing Manager requires data on campaign effectiveness.

Creating dynamic dashboards for data visualization:

Build dashboards that provide a snapshot of key metrics. Utilize dynamic components to allow users to interact with the data, such as selecting date ranges or drilling down into specific details. Visualizations should be clear and actionable.

Sharing and scheduling reports for timely insights:

Schedule reports to be automatically generated and emailed to relevant stakeholders. For instance, a weekly sales report can be scheduled to arrive in the Sales Manager’s inbox every Monday morning, providing timely insights without manual effort.

8. Integration Best Practices

Practice: Selecting the right integration method (REST, SOAP, etc.).

Choose the appropriate integration method based on the requirements of the systems involved. For real-time data synchronization, REST may be suitable, while batch processing might be better served by SOAP.

Practice: Ensuring data integrity during integrations.

Implement error handling mechanisms to address data synchronization issues during integrations. For example, if an integration fails, define processes to notify administrators and log error details for troubleshooting.

Practice: Documenting integration processes for troubleshooting.

Maintain detailed documentation of integration processes, including data flow diagrams, endpoint URLs, and authentication mechanisms. This documentation is crucial for troubleshooting issues and for onboarding new team members.

9. Regular System Audits

Conducting periodic health checks:

Regularly review system usage, data storage, and performance metrics. This can help identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring that the system is operating optimally.

Reviewing system logs and debug logs:

Dive into Salesforce logs to troubleshoot errors or unexpected behavior. Analyze debug logs during the development and testing phases to identify issues with custom code, workflows, or automations.

Staying informed about Salesforce updates and releases:

Regularly check Salesforce release notes to stay informed about new features, enhancements, and fixes. This knowledge helps administrators leverage the latest capabilities and ensures compatibility with upcoming changes.

10. Documentation and Training

Maintaining comprehensive documentation:

Document all aspects of your Salesforce implementation, including configurations, customizations, and integration details. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for troubleshooting, onboarding new team members, and ensuring continuity.

Providing ongoing training for users:

Conduct regular training sessions for users to keep them updated on new features and best practices. Create training materials, video tutorials, or knowledge base articles to support ongoing learning and adoption.

Creating a knowledge-sharing culture within the organization.

Foster a culture of knowledge-sharing among Salesforce administrators and users. Establish a centralized platform, such as a Salesforce Chatter group or an internal wiki, where users can ask questions, share tips, and learn from each other.

11. Change Management

Implementing a robust change control process:

Establish a formal change control process to manage and document any modifications to the Salesforce environment. This includes changes to configurations, custom code, and integrations. Require approvals and thorough testing before deploying changes to production.

Utilizing sandboxes for testing and validation:

Before making changes in the production environment, use Salesforce sandboxes to test configurations, customizations, and code changes. This helps identify and address issues in a controlled environment before impacting live data.

Communicating changes effectively to stakeholders:

Maintain transparent communication channels to inform stakeholders about upcoming changes. Utilize email notifications, Chatter announcements, or regular meetings to ensure that all relevant parties are aware of modifications and their potential impact.

12. Performance Optimization

Monitoring system performance regularly:

Use Salesforce’s built-in tools like the Health Check and Performance Monitoring dashboards to regularly assess system performance. Identify any slow-performing queries, high storage usage, or other bottlenecks that could impact user experience.

Identifying and resolving bottlenecks:

If a particular process or page is slow, analyze the underlying components such as Apex code, workflows, or data queries. Optimize code, adjust automation logic, or leverage caching mechanisms to improve performance.

Utilizing tools like Salesforce Optimizer:

Run Salesforce Optimizer reports to get insights into unused features, customizations, or outdated configurations. This tool helps administrators clean up the Salesforce instance by removing unnecessary elements that might impact performance.


By incorporating these Salesforce admin best practices into your daily operations, you can create a robust, efficient, and user-friendly Salesforce environment. Remember that these practices are not one-size-fits-all; customize and adapt them to suit the specific needs and goals of your organization. Consistent application of these best practices will not only enhance the performance of your Salesforce instance but also contribute to the overall success of your CRM strategy.

About the blog

SFDCLessons is a blog where you can find various Salesforce tutorials and tips that we have written to help beginners and experienced developers alike. we also share my experience and knowledge on Salesforce best practices, troubleshooting, and optimization. Don’t forget to follow us on:


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Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar is a Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I with over 7+ years of experience working on the Salesforce platform. He specializes in developing custom applications, integrations, and reports to help customers streamline their business processes. Arun is passionate about helping businesses leverage the power of Salesforce to achieve their goals.

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